1. Tender Bond (Annexure A) Filing-Document Storage System 2 Nos 30 Jul 18 2. Tender instructions conditions Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 3 3. Tender KPI Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 30 Jul 18 4. Tender Non Disclosure Agreement Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 3 5. Filing document storge system 02 NOS … Continue reading Document storage system for filing mechanically opearted

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Monthly Archives: July 2018
1. Tender Bond (Annexure A) Electric Forklift 2 T 2. Tender Performance Bond (Annexure B) – Electric Forklift 2 T 3. Forklift (Electric) 2 T Specification With Battery Change Feature(Long Forksize-Spare Bat Optn-Fleet Mngment) 4. Tender Instructions Conditions Electric Forklift 2 T 5. Tender KPI Electric Forklift 2 T 6. Tender Non Disclosure Agreement Electrical Electric … Continue reading Electric Forklift 2 Ton Capacity For Oman Air SATS 10 Nos
1. Functional Specifications of Forklift Electric 3 Ton Specifications