CEO’s New Year Message
Dear Colleagues,
On 1 January, we welcome a new year. I trust that 2025 will be a great year for you, fulfilling the many goals that you want to achieve, personally, as well as for the family and loved ones. We also want 2025 to be a great year for Oman SATS too.
While we look forward to 2025, we also want to review how 2024 has been for us. I hope on your personal front, you have look after your family and health well. As a company, Oman SATS has done extremely well, much better than we, at the Management level, had expected. We handled more cargo than 2023 (167,674 tons) despite our biggest customer reducing their fleet size from April. Financially, we have performed much better than budget, and staff and customer satisfaction levels are at an all-time high. Well done, Team!
It is good to reflect on what made us so successful. We have worked hard to reduce our costs, especially in the area of out-sourced manpower. In our daily operations, we have managed to reduce “waste” and the “non-essentials” and you were also prepared to take on more roles through multi-tasking and more efficient work deployments. That has helped to reduce overtime, as you took on responsibilities of absent colleagues who were not able to be at work due to sickness and various other reasons. The introduction of technology and IT applications at the workplace have also enabled us to perform more efficiently and helped reduce errors, thus allowing us to serve our industry and the Sultanate of Oman better.
We worked on new marketing initiatives to support the industry and that proved successful, as we see more exports and transit cargo passing through Muscat. We continue to provide airfreight logistics solutions to our customers to enable them to carry more cargo through and out of Oman. The work is on-going and we expect to see new cargo types like VAL and e-commerce passing through our terminal in 2025.
2025 will bring in more opportunities and it is for the Company to seize such opportunities by being more responsive, more pro-active at the business and industry level, by being closer to our customers and potential customers. I am sure as a team, we will continue to do well.
I want to end my message with a reminder. It was unfortunate that we end 2024 with news of aircraft incidents elsewhere where many lives are lost. It is a timely reminder to us to take safety as top priority at our workplace. Continue to be vigilant, stop work to ask, check if unsure, to ensure that our workplace is accident-free. We want all our staff to go home safe, and we also want the cargo that passed through our hands are safe for carriage on the planes.
As we close a successful 2024, I need to mention the roles played by our Board and Shareholders and thanked them for their continued guidance and support. Both Oman Airports and SATS in Singapore have played great parts in their various capacities to support this Company and our success are in many ways, due to them.
Finally, as I said last year, do spend quality time at home with your family and look after them well. Take care of your health and yourself. And thank you for being part of the Oman SATS family.
Best personal regards to all,