1. Tender Bond (Annexure A) Filing-Document Storage System 2 Nos 30 Jul 18 2. Tender instructions conditions Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 3 3. Tender KPI Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 30 Jul 18 4. Tender Non Disclosure Agreement Filing Document Storage System 2 Nos 3 5. Filing document storge system 02 NOS … Continue reading Document storage system for filing mechanically opearted

News & Announcement
Yearly Archives: 2018
1. Tender Bond (Annexure A) Electric Forklift 2 T 2. Tender Performance Bond (Annexure B) – Electric Forklift 2 T 3. Forklift (Electric) 2 T Specification With Battery Change Feature(Long Forksize-Spare Bat Optn-Fleet Mngment) 4. Tender Instructions Conditions Electric Forklift 2 T 5. Tender KPI Electric Forklift 2 T 6. Tender Non Disclosure Agreement Electrical Electric … Continue reading Electric Forklift 2 Ton Capacity For Oman Air SATS 10 Nos
1. Functional Specifications of Forklift Electric 3 Ton Specifications
This is to inform you that Oman Air SATS Cargo LLC located in the New Muscat Cargo Terminal has been certified as Third Country Regulated Agent (RA3). The certification granted by EU-approved and trained validators confirms the procedures Oman Air SATS Cargo implements are compliant with EU-requirements.
20 مارس 2018 يرجى العلم بأنه سيتم تغيير رسوم مناولة البضائع في مطار مسقط الدولي اعتبارًا من 1 أبريل 2018. يرجى الرجوع إلى الخطاب الذي سبق إصداره ورسوم المناوله الجديدة.